We have been chosen to support the management of the UK’s nuclear knowledge

19th June 2017

MCM and their partners Arup are delighted to have been selected to be the sole providers of knowledge management services through the Shared Services Alliance to the NDA estate and associated participating organisations.

There are significant business and organisational benefits to be obtained from the effective management of knowledge.

The NDA states that the prime objective of a knowledge management system is to: Ensure the right knowledge is available to the right people at the right time for the safe and efficient decommissioning of the UK civil nuclear legacy.  The objective of the framework is to provide intelligent hands-on support in the delivery of improvement plans for the management of knowledge across the NDA estate, guiding the development of capability in line with the knowledge management maturity assessments, and enabling inter-organisational collaboration.


Find out more by reading the following publication.


Read full article here