14th June 2022

MCM is delighted to have supported Nagra in the update of their Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D) Plan and its preparation for publication. The published version of the document can be found on the Nagra website: Technical Report NTB 21-02 | Nagra.

MCM worked closely with key senior Nagra staff and Nagra technical subject matter experts to develop the ‘Nagra Disposal Programme Roadmap’ using a tiered structure, as shown in the figure below (Fig. 3-1 of NTB 21-02).

Fig. 3-1 of NTB 21-02 illustrating the tiered structure of the Nagra Roadmap.

Collaborative Approach

Through a series of workshops and an agile, iterative approach, MCM worked with Nagra subject matter experts across a variety of disciplines to produce thirteen roadmap graphics against this tiered structure (published as NTB 21-02 Appendix A3) along with a description of Nagra’s long-term disposal programme (captured in Tier 1 & 2, published as NTB 21-02 Chapter 3) and the programme aspects with a significant RD&D component (captured in Tier 3, published as NTB 21-02 Chapter 7).

Prior to publication, MCM also worked alongside the internal Nagra team to re-structure and review the RD&D Plan, supporting Nagra in highlighting and communicating the progress which has been made since the publication of its previous version in 2016.

MCM Team

The MCM team was led by Jake Kinghorn-Mills with primary support from Tara Beattie and Alastair Clark. MCM Project Lead, Jake Kinghorn-Mills said:

“It’s fantastic to have seen our initial engagement with Nagra in 2019 lead to the publication of the full suite of Nagra Roadmap graphics through NTB 21-02. The project has been a rewarding experience which undoubtedly benefited from the close involvement of senior Nagra staff and the collaborative approach embraced by all members of the Nagra-MCM project team.”