MCM and their partners Arup are delighted to have been selected to be the sole providers of knowledge management services through the Shared Services Alliance to the NDA estate and associated participating organisations.
The objective of the framework is to provide intelligent hands-on support in the delivery of improvement plans for management of knowledge across the NDA estate, guiding the development of capability in line with the knowledge management maturity assessments, and enabling inter-organisation collaboration.
Find out more by reading the following publication.
MCM supported RWM with management of the SecIGD2 project of the Implementing Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste Technology Platform (IGD-TP). This project aimed to identify RD&D needs from early stage and/or small inventory waste management programmes, which resulted in the PLANDIS Guide aimed at sharing experience and knowledge on RD&D programme planning towards geological disposal of radioactive waste. The Guide was co-authored by Dr. Beattie (MCM) and Dr. Ray Kowe (RWM). It considers the essential elements of RD&D planning and provides instructional questions that should be addressed to respond to the Waste Directive Articles 12 (1,F) and 12 (1,J). It also considers the management activities that need to be considered to successfully implement RD&D activities, such as competency management, civil society involvement, different contractual mechanisms for completing RD&D, and the potential benefits of technology transfer of RD&D knowledge from more advanced radioactive waste programmes. The Guide was developed with inputs from across Europe and culminated in a workshop held in Piteşti, Romania in June 2014 to obtain user feedback prior to publication.
MCM was responsible for initiating and devising a web-based knowledge management tool, ‘CoolRep’ to support web-based communication of the Japanese radioactive waste management programme. This platform provides technical and non-technical information in a hierarchical structure, which enables transparency and ease of access.
Dr Ian McKinley worked with the Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan (NUMO) and Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) to review the progress of the ambitious Japanese Knowledge Management System (KMS) project. This work was published in the International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management.
Science & Technology Facilities Council
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Building R104, Office 2‑12
Harwell Campus
Didcot, OX11 0QX
MCM Environmental Services Ltd