Neil Chapman has chaired the International Group reviewing the work done by NUMO of Japan in its first ten years.
MCM have been involved in the EC JOPRAD (‘Towards Joint Programming on Radioactive Waste Disposal’) Project since 2015.
Ellie Scourse from MCM presented at a recent workshop in London, on the development of the Programme Document and Strategic Research Agenda for the JOPRAD project. The workshop was well attended, with 100 participants from 22 different countries.
On 17th November 2015, Charles McCombie lectured at the IAEA in Vienna to representatives from countries that are introducing or expanding nuclear power. The workshop was on radioactive waste and spent fuel management. His three talks covered formulating a waste strategy, deep disposal technology and financing the back-end. Participants were from Bangladesh, India, Jordan, Nigeria, Poland, Turkey, Vietnam, and Czech Republic.
Dr Wolfgang Kickmaier participated at the International Technical Workshop on Deep Borehole Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste in Washington in October 2015. The workshop was organised by the Nuclear Waste Management Technical Review Board and besides Members of the Board and the DOE, SANDIA and other US National Labs, experts from the UK, Germany, Check Republic and Sweden participated actively. Further representatives of the oil and gas industry joined the workshop. The focus of the meeting was to critically review the DoEs current panning for the Deep Borehole Disposal Field Test.
Wolfgang Kickmaier and Ian McKinley were invited by JAEA as international experts to give presentations at the 2nd International Caesium Workshop in Fukushima. Wolfgang gave a presentation on “Managing large volumes of liquid waste” and Ian on “Managing organic-rich material and soil from decontamination actions”.
MCM helped organise and run the 2nd JAEA international radiocaesium workshop in Fukushima City.
MCM helped organise and document the JAEA/SUERC international workshop on “Fukushima recovery – understanding, modelling and managing radiocaesium decontamination” held in Fukushima city. The record of the meeting will be published on the JAEA website.
MCM staff were in Christchurch, New Zealand, co-organising a workshop with GNS Science on concealed active faults on behalf of NUMO, Japan, as part of the ongoing ‘TOPAZ’ project on probabilistic tectonic hazard analysis in geological disposal.
Science & Technology Facilities Council
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Building R104, Office 2‑12
Harwell Campus
Didcot, OX11 0QX
MCM Environmental Services Ltd